Enterprise Inquiry Form
Welcome to the Enterprise Inquiry Form. Here you can let our team know what you're looking for with an Enterprise subscription. The information you submit to this form will be shared with Joyn.gg
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What is your Name? *
What is your Email? *
What is your Discord username? *
What is your Phone Number?
What is your Organizations Name? *
What type of Organization are you running? *
If you have a website, what is it?
What is your Discord server invite link?
Please ensure the Discord invite link is set to never expire 
How many participant seats in total would you need? *
1 seat = 1 participant/team to register for a tournament with the bot.
Anything else?
If there's anything else your organization needs, you can let us know here.
Are you ready to submit this to our team? We aim to respond ASAP via email or Discord. *
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